Error In Bible 3 Kontradiksi Terjemahan Kejadian / Genesis 11:12

Pada ayat ini ditemukan kesalahan fatal dalam terjemahan. Sebelumnya kami akan memaparkan genesis atau kejadian 11:12 yang diawali dari ayat 10 dimana  ayat ini berbicara soal keturunan Sem

Versi Alkitab Kabar Baik (BIS), 

Genesis 11:10 Inilah keturunan Sem. Dua tahun sesudah banjir besar, ketka Sem berumur 100 tahun, ia mendapat seorang anak laki-laki yang bernama Arpakhsad. 
Genesis 11:11 Setelah itu ia masih hidup 500 tahun lagi, dan mendapat anak-anak lain. 

Jika dilihat pada kitab Greek dan Hebrew, kedua-duanya juga mencatatkan bahawa pada ayat Genesis 11:10, Sem memperanakkan Arphaxad. Justeru turutan salasilah Sem pada genesis 11:10 adalah Sem, dan selepas itu Arphaxad. 

Genesis 11:12 bagi Kitab Hebrew 
Lihat pula ayat Genesis 11:12 bagi kitab Hebrew, linknya, ianya mencatatkan seperti di bawah.

וְאַרְפַּכְשַׁ֣ד Arpachshadחַ֔י lived 
חָמֵ֥שׁ five 
וּשְׁלֹשִׁ֖ים and thirty 
שָׁנָ֑ה years 
וַיֹּ֖ולֶד and became 
שָֽׁלַח׃ of Shelah

Makanya kitab Hebrew menyebutkan pada ayat Genesis 11:12 bahwa Arphaxad memperanakkan Shelah. Maka sehingga ayat Genesis 11:12 ini, turunan silsilah menurut kitab Hebrew adalah Sem, Arphaxad, Selah. Dari kitab Hebrew juga menyebutkan bahwa Arphazad memperanakkan Selah ketika beliau berumur 35 tahun. Terjemahan berkaitan dengan ini dapat kita lihat seperti di bawah.

Versi Alkitab Kabar Baik (BIS), linknya

Genesis 11:12 Pada waktu Arpakhsad berumur 35 tahun, ia mendapat anak laki-laki, namanya Selah. 

Genesis 11:12 bagi Kitab Greek 
Lihat pula ayat Genesis 11:12 juga bagi kitab Greek, linknya, ianya mencatatkan seperti di bawah.

και έζησεν Αρφαξάδ εκατόν τριάκοντα πέντε έτη 
and Arphaxad lived a hundred thirty five years, 

και εγέννησε τον Καϊνάν 
and he procreated Cainan

Dari kitab Greek ini, bagi ayat Genesis 11:12, kita memperolehi maklumat bahawa ketika berusia 135 tahun, Arphaxad memperanakkan Cainan. 

Kita lihat dalam kitab Greek yang lain iaitu Greek OT: Septuagint, linknya , dimana ianya mencatatkan seperti di bawah,

Καὶ ἔζησεν Αρφαξαδ ἑκατὸν τριάκοντα πέντε ἔτη καὶ ἐγέννησεν τὸν Καιναν.

di mana pada link itu juga terdapat terjemahannya seperti di bawah

"And Arphaxad lived a hundred and thirty-five years, and begot Cainan."

di sini ditemukan dua kontradiksi satu sama lain. Dimana silsilah menurut terjemahan Hebrew dan Greek berbeda. menurut Kitab Hebrew adalah Sem, Arphaxad, Selah. Tapi menurut Kitab Greek silsilah Sem adalah Sem, Arphaxad, Cainan. dan pada ayat 12 juga menurut Kitab Hebrew Arphaxad berumur 35 tahun memperoleh keturunan seterusna, namun menurut Kitab Greek malah Arphaxad adalah berumur 135 tahun.

Manuskrip manakah yang benar? manakah yang bisa dipercaya?

Apakah Cainan adalah nama lain bagi Selah ?

sayang sekali ternyata bukan. Cainan bukan nama lain  bagi Selah. bisa dilihat Greek OT: Septuagint

Genesis 11:13 - 15 

Genesis 11:13 And Arphaxad lived after he had begotten Cainan, four hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years and begot Sala; and Canaan lived after he had begotten Sala, three hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

Canaan itu adalah yang memperanakkan Selah. Jika dilihat dalam link 
, pada Genesis 11:13, kitab Greek itu juga menyebut Cainan memperanakkan Salah. Lihat di bawah,

και έζησε Καϊνάν εκατόν και τριάκοντα έτη 
And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years 

και εγέννησε τον Σαλά 
and he procreated Salah 

Begitu juga pada ayat Genesis 11:14, kedua kitab Greek itu dan juga kitab Hebrew mencatatkan Selah pula memperanakkan Eber. Lihat terjemahanya di bawah, 

Genesis 11:14 And Sala lived an hundred and thirty years, and begot Heber. (Greek OT Septuagint) 
Genesis 11:14 Shelah lived thirty years and became of Eber (Hebrew, linknya ) 

Justeru turutan salasilah Sem menurut kitab Greek adalah Sem, Aprhaxad, Cainan, Salah, Heber. Namun menurut kitab Hebrew pula, turutan salasilah itu adalah Shem (atau Sem), Arpachshad (atau Arphaxad), Shelah (atau Salah), Eber (atau Heber), iaitu tidak terdapat generasi Cainan. Justeru Cainan itu adalah bukannya nama lain bagi Selah, karena kitab Greek menyebut Cainan itu adalah orang yang memperanakkan Selah. 

maka dari itu, manakah yang benar? Cainan atau Selah? dan 35 tahun atau 135 Tahun?

orang yang berakal sehat pasti sepakat Tuhan tidak mungkin keliru. hal yang sangat pasti adalah para penulis Alkitab yang keliru.

Wallahu a'lam Bis Showab

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  1. Luke 3:36 is the only verse in the Bible where one can read of the patriarch Arphaxad having a son named Cainan. Although another Cainan (the son of Enosh) is mentioned seven times in Scripture (Genesis 5:9-10,12-14; 1 Chronicles 1:2; Luke 3:37), outside of Luke 3:36, Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, is never mentioned. He is omitted in the genealogies of Genesis 10 and 11, as well as in the genealogy of 1 Chronicles 1:1-28. When the son of Arphaxad is listed in these genealogies, the name always given is Salah (or Shelah), not Cainan. According to some skeptics, either Cainan’s omission from the genealogies in Genesis and First Chronicles represents a genuine mistake, or Luke was in error when he wrote that Arphaxad had a son named Cainan. next

  2. One important thing that we learn from the various genealogies throughout Scripture is that sometimes they contain gaps—gaps that are intentional and legitimate. Thus, just because Luke 3 contains a name that is not recorded in Genesis 10 or 11, or in First Chronicles 1, does not necessarily mean that someone made a mistake. The fact is, terms such as “begot,” “the son of,” and “father”—which often are found in genealogies—occasionally have a much wider connotation in the Bible than might be implied when such words are used in modern-day English. Jacob once called Abraham “father,” even though Abraham was really his grandfather (Genesis 32:9). About 2,000 years later, the Pharisees also referred to Abraham as their “father” (John 8:39). The term “father” in these passages obviously means “ancestor.” In the first verse of the New Testament, Matthew wrote of Jesus as being “the son of David, the son of Abraham.” Obviously, Matthew knew that Jesus was not an immediate son of either David or Abraham; he simply used these words in the same flexible way that the ancients frequently used them. [Later in his genealogy, Matthew intentionally omitted some other names as well (e.g., Joash, Amaziah, and Azariah; cf. Matthew 1:6-16; 1 Chronicles 3:11-12). We do not know for sure why Matthew did not include these names in his genealogy (most likely it was for memorization purposes). However, we can be certain that if these gaps represented a legitimate discrepancy, the Jews would have brought it to the attention of Christians 2,000 years ago when they sought to discredit Jesus’ royal lineage.] Next

  3. The simple fact is, just because one genealogy has more (or fewer) names than another genealogy does not mean that the two genealogies contradict one another. The controversy surrounding Luke 3:36 is readily explainable when one considers the flexibility that the ancients employed in recording the names of “fathers” and “sons.”
    Still, the insertion of the name Cainan in Luke 3:36 may have a far different explanation— one that (in my mind) is more plausible, yet at the same time is more complicated to explain, and thus less popular. It is my studied conclusion that the “Cainan problem” is the result a scribal error made when copying Luke’s gospel account.
    Realizing that the New Testament originally was written in Greek without punctuation or spaces between words, the insertion of the name Cainan easily could have crept into Luke’s genealogy. Notice what the original text (in agreement with Genesis 10:24, 11:12, and 1 Chronicles 1:18,24) might have said:

  4. If a scribe happened to glance at the end of the third line at toukainan, he easily could have written it on the first line as well as the third. Hence, instead of reading of only one Cainan, what we read today is two Cainans:
    As you can see, it would not be difficult for a weary scribe to copy “Cainan” inadvertently from Luke 3:37 as he was copying 3:36 (see Sarfati, 1998, pp. 39-40; Morris, 1976, p. 282).
    Although some apologists reject the idea that the insertion of Cainan in Luke 3:36 is a copyist’s error, the following facts seem to add much credence to this proposed solution.
    As stated earlier, this part of Luke’s genealogy also is recorded in Genesis 10:24, 11:12, and in 1 Chronicles 1:18,24. All of these Old Testament passages, however, omit the Cainan of Luke 3:36. In fact, Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, is not found in any Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament.Cainan is omitted from all of the following ancient versions of the Old Testament: the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Syriac, the Targum (Aramaic translations of the Old Testament), and the Vulgate (a Latin translation of the Bible completed sometime between A.D. 382 and 405) [see Hasel, 1980, pp. 23-37].Cainan’s name is absent from Flavius Josephus’ patriarchal listing in his historical work,Antiquities of the Jews (see Book 1, Chapter 6, Sections 4-5).The third-century Christian historian, Julius Africanus, also omitted Cainan’s name from his chronology of the patriarchs, and yet he had copies of both the gospels of Luke and Matthew (see his Epistle to Aristides, chapter 3, in Ante-Nicene Fathers).The earliest known copy of Luke (a papyrus codex of the Bodmer Collection dated between A.D. 175 and 225) does not contain this Cainan (see Sarfati).

  5. Many are quick to point out that the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament) mentions the name Cainan, and thus verifies that he was the son of Arphaxad, just as Luke 3:36 indicates. The problem with this line of defense is that the oldestSeptuagint manuscripts do not include this reference to Cainan (Sarfati, 1998, p. 40). Patrick Fairbairn indicated in his Bible encyclopedia that this Cainan does “not appear to have been in the copies of the Septuagint used by Theophilus of Antioch in the second century, by Africanus in the third, or by Eusebius in the fourth” (1957, p. 351). He goes on to state that it also was left out of the Vatican copy of the Septuagint (p. 351). That “Cainan” was a later addition to the Septuagint (and not a part of it originally) also is evident from the fact that neither Josephus nor Africanus mentioned him, and yet all indications are that they both used the Septuagint in their writings. [They repeat too many of the same numbers of the Septuagint not to have used it.] Thus, as Larry Pierce concluded, “It appears that at the time of Josephus, the extra generation of Cainan was not in the LXX [Septuagint—EL] text or the document that Josephus used, otherwise Josephus would have included it!” (1999, p. 76). As Henry Morris concluded in his commentary on Genesis: “[I] t is altogether possible that later copiers of the Septuagint (who were not as meticulous as those who copied the Hebrew text) inserted Cainan into their manuscripts on the basis of certain copies of Luke’s Gospel to which they then had access” (Morris, 1976, p. 282).
    Although it may be appropriate to view Luke 3:36 as supplementing the Old Testament genealogies, when all of the evidence is gathered, it appears that the name Cainan in Luke 3:36 was not a part of God’s original Word, but is the result of a copyist’ s error. And as we have discussed in other articles, errors made by copyists do not represent legitimate Bible contradictions.

  6. Inilah yang ingin dipaparkan bahawa kesilapan itu sememangnya tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada bible kristian itu.

  7. Persoalannya adalah semasa penyalinan ke atas manuskript daripada autogrpahnya, apakah si penyalin ingin menyalinkan 100% seperti apa yang tertulis daripada autograph atau sebaliknya? Perlu difahami adalah ayat Genesis 11:12 hanya ada satu versi di dalam autographnya. Justeru jika di dalam autographnya ada dituliskan generasi bernama Cainan, maka nama Cainan itulah yang seharusnya disalin oleh si penyalin ke dalam manuskript tanpa mengira aspek "anak" atau "memperanakkan" itu. Begitu juga jika generasi nama Cainan tidak ada dalam autogrpahnya, maka itu jugalah yang harus dilakukan oleh si penyalin dalam menyalinkannya ke dalam manuskript, tanpa mengira aspek "anak" atau "memperanakkan" itu. Namun sekarang ini dengan merujuk kepada manuskript-manuskript, sudah wujudnya pelbagai versi bagi ayat Genesis 11:12. So versi yang mana yang sebenarnya tepat menyamai apa yang tercatat di dalam autographnya berkenaan dengan ayat Genesis 11:12 ini? Bagaimana untuk menjelaskan ini jika kaum kristian masih menganggap kitab bible mereka itu masih tidak ada sebarang unsur-unsur pengubahan di dalamnya?

  8. Justeru sekali lagi, ini menjelaskan unsur-unsur kesilapan sudah wujud di dalam bible kristian itu.

  9. Daripada permasalahan ini dan melihat kepada komentar daripada individu kristian itu, kita dapati pihak kristian itu sendiri yang mengakui dan juga tidak dapat menafikan wujudnya unsur-unsur kesilapan di dalam bible kristian mereka.

  10. Dalam permasalahan ini, tiada apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh kelompok kristian selain daripada bergantung kepada tanggapan mereka semata-mata dalam melakukan kesimpulan bahawa kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh si penyalin tidak menunjukkan percanggahan dalam bible mereka. Kesilapan penyalinan itu telah terbukti wujud. Cumanya jika kesilapan penyalinan dalam Genesis 11:12 ini telah terbukti wujud dalam satu-satu manuskript, maka tidak mustahil kesilapan yang sama (namun tidak dapat dikesan) wujud di mana-mana bahagian di dalam bible kristian itu oleh si penyalin-penyalin yang lain di peringkat penyalinan yang lain. Justeru pada tahap ini, dengan wujudnya permasalahan ini, autograph bible itu amat diperlukan untuk menentukan kesahihan setiap catatan di dalam bible kristian itu. Dan dengan autographnya yang telah hilang atau musnah, makanya bible kristian itu kekal menjadi kitab yang hanya tidak dapat dipastikan kesahihan catatan-catatannya.


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